
About Curated Gent

              The Curated Gent is a place where all individuals have access to information about lifestyle, products, current events, and more.  The name may imply that this site is for men only, but that can not be further from the truth.  While the product reviews may cater towards men, topics on life in general apply to everyone.  Life is precious and unbelievably short, so my goal is to provide you with information to live a happier, deeper, more meaningful life.

              On the lifestyle front, I will offer advice based on the knowledge that I have curated over time from my life events which I will discuss more in the about me section below.  I must include a critical disclaimer though; I am not a doctor, therapist, or anything that resembles a professional in the field of psychology or medicine.  Please follow any advice at your own risk.  But, before you follow any advice, a major goal of this blog is to facilitate independent thinking.  That is also a major reason why the comments section for all articles is disabled.  Influence is a double-edged sword, however, so articles will include many questions for you to ask yourself before simply following a routine.  Remember, there is no one solution that will work for everyone.  Our bodies and minds are so complex and unique, and you should always remind yourself of that. 

               I hope you enjoy the content and I sincerely hope that I can help the majority.  In fact, if I can just touch one life, I will consider this a success.  Please feel free to contact me at any time and I will do my best to respond.  I would love to hear from you.  Being human is about the self as well as others, so please connect.  Tell me your story.  Tell me what works for you.  I sincerely want to know.

About Me

              My name is Chris.  I was born and raised in St. Louis, Missouri and now reside in a suburb of the metro area.  I split my time between there and the Lake of the Ozarks where peace and serenity does exist, albeit in the offseason.  I am a proud father of a ten-year-old boy who is well beyond his years.  In addition to an amazing boy, I am blessed with a kind, caring, and beautiful girlfriend who is absolutely my rock.

              My career began almost 20 years ago in corporate America, working at an insurance company for the entire duration.  During the first ten or so years, I went to night school and obtained a BS in Information Management and a BS in Business.  I was very successful in my career, working on many projects which resulted in significant operational improvements.  It was fun, gratifying, and stressful.  I worked my way to management and led a major project in my last four years with the company.  But about halfway into that endeavor, my life came to a screeching halt.  I had a heart attack at the age of 38 and my life was forever changed.  But even that change was a slow progression compared to the fast-paced life of today.  I got divorced shortly after the heart attack, which is the first major change that was needed in my life.  I thank my ex-wife for a wonderful son, the good years, the tough years from which I learned, and all the experiences that have turned me into the man I am now. 

              Throughout these events and beyond, I continued to work in a stressful environment.  In fact, I lied to myself that stress was not impacting my mental and physical well-being.  I was wrong.  I am not blaming anyone but myself.  Luckily, I have a partner that encouraged me to think deeply about it.  I ultimately made my own decision, the third needed change, to resign from my position and lead a quieter, stress-free (as much as possible), and slower life.  What about the second change?  Yes, that’s my partner!  Thus, here I am sharing my thoughts with you.  I took a big risk, but quality of life is of utmost importance.