A Primer – Double Down on Micro Evolution

In the beginning, either God created everything, or a big bang did.  Maybe it’s both, think about that.  However, we are not here to answer that question today.  We are here to discuss evolution at a micro level. Believe it or not, everything evolves.  Life.  Thoughts.  Beliefs.  Friendships.  You get the idea.  This type of evolution happens daily based on internal and external influences.   Incremental change.  Micro evolution. And hopefully, most of the influences are positive.  Change just seems to work for better or for worse over time.  Have you ever tried to change your diet overnight?  Right, it usually doesn’t work.  At least, that’s my experience.  Often, a relapse occurs.  And often, some sort of influence caused the relapse.  Stress.  A negative event.  Change is hard, especially when you have multiple variables added to the equation.  Even worse, many of the variables are completely out of your control.  So, what do we have to do?  You guessed it, focus on the variables that we can control.  Start simple.  Are you a soda drinker?  Swap out that morning soda for a tea.  Order a water instead of a soda with your fast food.  Deal with the fast food later.  One thing at a time. 

Just like the origins of the universe, this article is not about diet.  Although, you may compare the two since they are both impossible to figure out.  This is a primer to the essential line of thinking that will grace the presence of the majority, if not all, articles on this blog.  Incremental change.  Whether it be current events, lifestyle changes, societal changes, the goal is to open independent, moderate thought.  Take current events for example.  We are never going to agree in full to major changes for the hot-button issue of our times.  First, we need to come to an understanding.  Why do you feel the way in which you do about the topic?  That’s probably not an easy answer.  So first, we need to pick the topic apart.  Only then can we begin to understand one another.  Once the understanding is complete, we find common ground.  With that common ground, we explore solutions.  Then, we agree, and incremental change blossoms.  I know that sounds too easy, but it’s the best way to advance as a person and as a society.  We must have the difficult conversations and listen to one another.